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Venkateshwar Hospital Delhi Gold Health Check Up Package

by Rishabh
Venkateshwar Hospital Gold Health Check Up Package
(Recommended for individuals desiring more comprehensive health checkup 30-40 years of age & above)
USD 260/- Per Person
Investigations Included:
(Recommended for individuals desiring more comprehensive health checkup 30-40 years of age & above)
USD 285/- Per Person
Investigations Included:
Detailed Medical History and clinical Examination Detailed Medical History and clinical Examination
Blood Grouping & RH Typing Blood Grouping & RH Typing
Complete Hemogram Complete Hemogram
Blood Sugar (HbA1C, fasting & PP for diabetics and non-diabetics both) Blood Sugar (HbA1C, fasting & PP for diabetics and non-diabetics both)
Renal function Test (Urea/BUN, Creatinine, Uric Acid, Na, K, CI) Renal function Test (Urea/BUN, Creatinine, Uric Acid, Na, K, CI)
Lipid Profile (Cholesterol, Triglyceride, HDL, LDL) Lipid Profile (Cholesterol, Triglyceride, HDL, LDL)
Liver Profile(T. Bil, D. Bil, SGOT, SGPT, ALK, Phosp, GGT, T. Protein, Alb.) Liver Profile(T. Bil, D. Bil, SGOT, SGPT, ALK, Phosp, GGT, T. Protein, Alb.)
Ultrasound Whole Abdomen Ultrasound Whole Abdomen
X-ray Chest X-ray Chest
ECG Resting ECG Resting
Surgical Consultation Gynecology Consultation
Diet and Lifestyle Counselling Pap Smear
TMT (Cardiac Stress Analysis) Mammogram Both Breast
Echo Cardiogram Diet and Lifestyle Counselling
PFT (Pulmonary Function Test) TMT (Cardiac Stress Analysis)
Urine Analysis Echo Cardiogram
Stool Test (R/M) PFT (Pulmonary Function Test)
Vitamin D Urine Analysis
S. Calcium Stool Test (R/M)
PSA Vitamin D
TSH S. Calcium
Ophthalmology (Eyes) Check-up TSH
ENT Check-up Ophthalmology (Eyes) Check-up
Dental Consultation and Check-up ENT Check-up
Cardiology Consultation Dental Consultation and Check-up
Consultation and Review with Physician (Adult Vaccination Counselling) Cardiology Consultation
Consultation and Review with Physician (Adult Vaccination Counselling)

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