Apollo Future Health Check Male (Starting from USD 1700 per person Approx) |
Apollo Future Health Check Female (Starting from USD 1700 per person Approx) |
Complete Hemogram | Complete Hemogram |
Blood Grouping And Typing | Blood Grouping And Typing |
Albumin Serum | Albumin Serum |
Alpha Feto Protein Serum | Alpha Feto Protein Serum |
APO Lipoprotien A1 Serum | APO Lipoprotien A1 Serum |
APO Lipoprotien B Serum | APO Lipoprotien B Serum |
Calcium Serum | Calcium Serum |
CEA Serum | CEA Serum |
Coristol Serum | CA 125 |
Creatinine Serum | Coristol Serum |
Electrolytes Serum/Plasma (NA+ K+ Cl-) | Creatinine Serum |
Ferritin Serum | Electrolytes Serum/Plasma (NA+ K+ Cl-) |
Folate Serum | Ferritin Serum |
Glucose Fasting | Folate Serum |
Glucose PP | Glucose Fasting |
Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbA1c) | Glucose PP |
Homocysteine Serum/Plasma | Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbA1c) |
Insulin (Fasting) Serum | Homocysteine Serum/Plasma |
Lipid Profile (Cholestrol, Triglycerides, VLDL, HDL, LDL, Total Cholestrol/HDLRatio) | Insulin (Fasting) Serum |
Liver Function Tests (Protien Total, Albumin, Globulin, SGOT,SGTP,GGTP, Alkaline Phosphtase Bilirubin) | Lipid Profile (Cholestrol, Triglycerides, VLDL, HDL, LDL, Total Cholestrol/HDLRatio) |
Lp (a): Lipoprotien (a) Serum | LLiver Function Tests (Protien Total, Albumin, Globulin, SGOT,SGTP,GGTP, Alkaline Phosphtase Bilirubin) |
Magnesium Serum | Lp (a): Lipoprotien (a) Serum |
MAU (Microalbumin) Spot Urine | Magnesium Serum |
Phosphorus, Inorganic – Serum | MAU (Microalbumin) Spot Urine |
Thyroid Profile (T3, T4, TSH) | Phosphorus, Inorganic – Serum |
Urea Serum | Thyroid Profile (T3, T4, TSH) |
Uric Acid | Urea SerumUric Acid |
Vitamin B12 Serum | Vitamin B12 Serum |
Vitamin D (25 OH) | VitaminD3 |
Anti HCV ELISA | Anti HIV (I & II) ELIS |
HBsAG ELISA | Plasma Fibrinogen |
Plasma Fibrinogen | C-Reactive Protien CRP |
C-Reactive Protien CRP | Elisa Anti HCV |
X ray Chest (PA) | X ray Chest (PA) |
Bilateral Mammogram & Ultrasound Breast (Screening only) | Bilateral Mammogram & Ultrasound Breast (Screening only) |
Ultrasound Whole Abdomen (Screening) | Ultrasound Whole Abdomen (Screening) |
Pulmonary Function Test (PFT/Spirometry) | Pulmonary Function Test (PFT/Spirometry) |
Dexa Scan | Dexa Scan |
ECG (Resting) | Aerobic Culture & Sensitivity (Urine) |
Eco cardiogram | ECG (Resting) |
Cardiac Stress Analysis (TMT) | Ecocardiogram |
Carotid Doppler | Cardiac Stress Analysis (TMT) |
Hearing Test – Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) | Carotid Doppler |
Stool Occult Blood | Hearing Test – Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) |
Stool Routine And Microscopy | Cytology Pap Smear |
Urine Routine and Microscopy + Aerobic Culture and Sensitivity | Stool Occult Blood |
Opthalmology Consultation | Stool Routine And Microscopy |
ENT Consultation | Urine Routine and Microscopy |
DENTAL Check | Gynecology Consult and Review for Women (PS +BE) |
Cardiology Consultation | Opthalmology Consult |
Oncology Consultation | ENT |
Surgical consultation | DENTAL Check |
Consultation & Review by Physician | Consultation Cardiology |
Foot Examination including Podiatry Consultation. | Oncology Consult |
Diet and Lifestyle Counselling | Consult & Review by Physician |
Apollo Delhi Future Health Checkup Package