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All about back surgery for compression fractures

by Rishabh

Compression Fracture

Vertebrae are the bones in the spine and broken vertebrae refer to compression fractures of the back. The main cause of this problem is Osteoporosis where the bones of the patients become fragile because of the loss of calcium and other important minerals. When there is any trauma to the back or a tumor starts in the bone and starts spreading all this cause compression fracture. Experiencing severe pain in the front of the spine or on the sides is the symptom, which can sometimes go unnoticed. When the pain continues for long, and makes daily activities like walking impossible, is when one realizes about the problem. Other symptoms include loss of height, a bent in the back (kyphosis), loss of control of bladder or bowel, tingling or numbness in the spinal cord.

Is Surgery Required?

The doctor conducts a few tests such as X-ray, bone density tests and MRI scan or CT scan. Sometimes the condition of the patient can be treated by medicines, bed rest, a back brace and physiotherapy but in difficult cases, surgery is the best. The doctor proposes a surgery as it is prevention not only for your bones but also stops any further harm to the nerves near the affected area.

Types of Surgery

A surgery becomes necessary if the patient is experiencing severe pain from more than 2 months. Following are the types of surgery:

Vertebroplasty Surgery – This process involves reduction of the fracture from outside by using physical manipulation. The fracture site is injected and made numb before the process starts.

Kyphoplasty Surgery – In this process, a direct attempt is made to reduce kyphosis or the bent in the back.

Spinal Fusion Surgery – This process involves fusing or joining together 2 or more spine bones vertebrae permanently so that there is no movement at the site and healing process starts.

Pre-Surgery Necessities

Before the surgery, the doctor considers necessary CT scans, MRI scans and X-rays of the patient’s spine. It is important on the part of the patient to inform the doctor about any allergies or pregnancies or any special medical condition. After midnight, a day ahead of the surgery, the patient is asked not to eat or drink anything.

Process during surgery

In the case of vertebroplasty surgery, the surgeon injects cement into the patient’s damaged bones using a needle. If it is kyphoplasty surgery, the surgeon inserts a small balloon into the bone and then inflates it so that the spine gets raised. After the spine is up, he takes the balloon away, creating an empty space where he puts cement. If one is undergoing spinal fusion surgery, the surgeon inserts instruments like rods, screws or plates to hold the bones of the spine together.

Risks involved of surgery

Although all of the above-mentioned are minimally-invasive surgeries are considered safe but as far as risks are concerned, they are a rare occurrence. However, the list includes pain, bleeding and infection.

Recovery process after surgery

In some cases of spinal surgery, a patient is discharged on the same day of surgery while some others might have to stay in the hospital for a day or two. There is little pain after a few days of surgery and your doctor also prescribes some painkillers. To bring down swelling and pain, hold ice on the area. Do not delay a contact with the doctor, if there is severe redness around the incision, if the area is hot or some fluid is oozing out of it. In some surgeries, physiotherapy is also needed for a quick recovery. Little exercising and little walk would help largely. If there are any restrictions, ask your surgeon.

Resuming your daily activities

One can get back to his daily routine activities in just a few days but do not exert yourself in an excessive manner. It is suitable that you should be away from standing or sitting for longer duration. One should also avoid climbing up stairs on a regular basis and getting into intense activities like cleaning house with vacuum etc. You should also keep away from lifting heavy objects.

[Find more information on Neuro Spine Surgery along with procedures and cost]

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