Best Superfoods for Weight Loss

by Rishabh

Superfoods are those food items that improve eyesight, build bones, keep the mind sharp and prevent chronic diseases. However, not many known that there are some slimming superfoods also that helps one in losing that extra weight. These food items actually are nutritional treasures for human beings.

Below is the list of best superfood for weight loss. Add them into your daily diet now.

Black beans

Black beans

One cup of black beans have a huge 15 gm of nourishing proteins. They also do not contain any saturated fat as is found in other protein-giving foods such as red meat.



Oats are powerhouse of fiber and so if you eat a serving. It can keep you full throughout the day. Just half a cup of oats has 4.6 gm of Resistant Starch, a healthy carb which burns fat and boosts metabolism.



Fats are also categorized into good fat and bad fat. If the fat is right, there is no harm in consuming it. There is a compound named Oleic acid, which is healthy monounsaturated fats or MUFAs. This compound can trigger your body to suppress hunger. You can consume half or quarter of an avocado in order to melt away your belly fat. It also contains proteins and fiber.



Food that are lean sources of protein make you feel full sans fat. You can increase the intake of salmon. It is a better choice in place of red meat as it is also rich in MUFAs completely. According to a study done in 2001, people who were dieting and consumed a diet that was MUFA-rich, lost around 9 pounds. Contrary to this, those who simply consumed low-fat diet, actually gained 6 pounds.



Blueberries are known for anti-aging effects. However, they are also a great example of slimming superfoods. One cup serving of blueberries gives you only 80 calories, and gives you 4 gm of fiber.



Broccoli is a cruciferous veggie that is known to have cancer-preventing features. Eat it raw or cooked, you get fulfilling fiber with less than 30 calories in one serving. It improves your weight problems as well.

Brown rice


In comparison to white rice, brown rice is a healthier option that is also packed with fiber. Half a cup of brown rice has 1.7 grams of Resistant Starch, a good carb that boosts your metabolism and burns excess fat.

Brown rice is quite filling as it is a low-energy-density food along with being low in calories. A study states that women who consumed a diet with a higher-energy-density, gained 3 times as much weight during a span of 6 years in comparison to those who consumed a low-energy-density diet.



One pear a day gives 15 percent of the daily amount of fiber that is required by a human body. As per a study, women who consumed 3 pears in a day, had consumed fewer calories, and had lost more weight in comparison to those who did not. Do not peel the skin as it is filling fiber.



Resveratrol is the name of that popular antioxidant, which is found in grape skin. It hinders the storage of fat. According to studies, those who drink wine moderately have less fat around their belly in comparison to those who drink liquor. A glass of wine assists calorie burn for around 90 minutes.



If you do not really like making major changes in your diet, you can eat about half a grapefruit before you eat your meal. This may help you in loosing around a pound in a week. This tangy fruit has a component that can lower one’s insulin- a fat-storage hormone. This can result in weight loss. Grapefruit is 90 percent water and is a good source of protein, making you feeling full.

Kidney beans


There are a number of varieties of beans that can be added to this life. Red beans, with over 5 gm per serving, are a great source of fiber and protein. Kidney beans also have Resistant Starch. This food item can be consumed half a cup for 2 grams for carb.



Consuming nuts are extremely healthy and can help you in slimming down. Almonds are the best bet and can help you in shedding pounds. According to a study, the people who consumed a low-calorie diet with nuts on a daily basis were sable to lose more weight in comparison to those who consumed the same diet but instead of almonds, they ate a carb snack like crackers.

Green tea


A cup of green tea not only hydrates like water but also helps you in losing weight. Along with this, the antioxidants that are present in green tea burn the calories and the fat. A study says by consuming five cups of daily can help you losing twice weight, mainly around the belly.



Lentils are quite rich in fiber and protein. Half a cup of lentil can give 3.4 gm of Resistant Starch, which is a healthy carb. This burns fat and boots metabolism.



Those who are on carb loving diet, bananas are their slimming superfood as it has 12.5 grams of Resistant Starch. A slightly green colored medium-sized banana cannot not only fill you but also boosts your metabolism. A ripe banana also contains 5 gm of RS.



Eggs are not known to be good as far as weight loss is concerned but if you consume this in breakfast, it is loaded with protein and can control one’s appetite. A study showed that overweight women who consumed egg during breakfast lost twice amount of weight in comparison to those who consumed bagels. Studies also prove that those who eat eggs do not suffer from low good cholesterol or high bad cholesterol that those who eat bagels.

Dark chocolate


If you love chocolate, be happy! If you eat small amount of dark chocolate, the digestion becomes slow, you feel fuller and eat less during your next meal. Dark chocolates have MUFAs and studies have shown that those eat food rich in MUFA, they have revived their metabolism, thereby burning calories and fat. This can also lower cravings for sweet, salt and fatty snacks.



Oranges only have 59 calories and also are an amazing sources of fiber. Australian researches prepared the list of 38 filling foods, and they are on the top. If you full, you automatically eat less.



It is true that potatoes are a sources of carbohydrates but they are three times more filling like a slice of white bread. The lie on the same level with oranges as far as satiety index is concerned. Potatoes also have Resistant Starch that burns body fat.

Pine nuts


Like almonds, pine nuts are slimming superfoods too. These nuts make your body full with heart-healthy fatty acids, that suppress your hunger and burn the fat around the belly. A study showed that if one swapped healthy fat with saturated fat such as in pine nuts, overweight people lost weight without increasing their exercise or without reducing their calorie intake. Moreover, they only have 95 calories.

White beans


Consume half a cup of beans that are rich in fiber and have 4 gm of fat-attacking Resistant Starch, a good form of carb for the body that boosts metabolism.



Feta and fresh goat cheese have a form of fatty acid, which keeps you full and helps in burning fat. The cheese that has the label of ‘grass-fed’, it has the highest amount of healthy fat.

Low-fat milk


Same as that in cheese, a fatty acid is also found in milk. The proteins here satisfy your hunger. As per a study, the calcium found in milk may also help women in burning more calories and fat, if they consume 1,000 to 1,400 mg of calcium on a daily basis.

Garbanzo beans


Garbanzo beans, which are also known as chickpeas, this slimming good is packed with over 2 gm of RS, in half a cup serving. This food is also a store house of healthy fats, protein and fiber.

Pearl barley


If you add pearl barley star to you slimming low-calorie meal, you automatically add fiber. Half a cup serving has about 2 gm of Resistant Starch.



Quinoa is a whole gain that is diet-friendly and also is a rich source of proteins that fight hunger. You consume few calories, feel fuller, and do not overeat during meals.



Half a cup of cooked plantains have 3 gm of Resistant Starch, which burns fat and boasts metabolism.

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