Foot and Ankle Surgery in India

Foot and ankle surgery is a sub-specialty surgery type of orthopedics section which deals with the treatment, diagnosis as well as prevention of any kind of disorders occurring in the foot and ankle.

Who should Consider Foot and Ankle Surgery ?

People suffering from below mentioned conditions need to get the treatment done:

  • Foot deformities
  • Bunion
  • Hammer toes
  • Ankle injuries
  • Ligament fractures
  • Diabetic foot disorders
  • Other trauma to the ankle and leg

Types of Foot and Ankle Surgery:

Though such surgeries take normally a day’s time but one needs to stay in the hospital for around 5 days. Following are the types:


Bunions is   that condition which occurs because of the enlargement or overgrowth of the  big toe joint. It slowly  drifts away from the others in the reverse direction. When it rubs with the shoes, it becomes the cause of pain and irritation. This can be corrected through surgery.

Hammer Toes

The condition when the human toes become claw-shaped or are permanently bent, it is known as hammer toes. This can be corrected through a number of ways such as arthroplasty and arthrodesis . These surgeries take a span ranging from an hour to a day.

Metatarsal surgery

The joints in your forefoot are called metatarsal-phalangeal joints. They can get damaged by inflammation of the lining of the joint (synovitis) or can get dislocated when damaged by arthritis, causing irritation and pain. . If other treatments do not help, surgery is the only solution, depending on the severity of the problem.

Ankle arthritis

The cause of ankle arthritis is osteoarthritis where the cartilage covering the ends of the bones get roughed-up and gradually become thin. The bone below it thickens, causing rheumatic conditions. It becomes the cause of swelling, deformity and pain, which needs surgery for correction. There  are two options:

Ankle fusion – This process deals with removal of the damaged ankle joint and then fusing patient’s talus bone to his tibia for making a stiff and pain-free ankle. The foot is fused with the leg at a right angle where bones are put together with screws and new bone grows taking around 12–14 weeks

Ankle replacement – This procedure deals with removal of the worn-out ends of the foot’s tibia and talus bones and their replacement with the artificial ends that might be made up of plastic or metal. This surgery takes around an hour or two and a patient gets well in 6 weeks. This replacement lasts for around 15 years and may need new joints.

Achilles tendon disorders – The largest tendon in a human body is the Achilles tendon, which  needs a lot of power for movement. With age, it starts wearing, leading to swelling and pain within the main tendon. Mostly the method of its treatment is surgery, performed in a day’s time and needing crutches later.

Presently, there are 3 choices in ankle replacement implants where each has a specific design. The three types ate- InBone (Wright) ankle replacement, The Salto Talaris (Tornier) ankle replacement and the Agility (Depuy) ankle replacement.

Morton’s neuroma – Morton’s neuroma is a painful condition that mainly creates a painful condition in nerves (third and fourth toes) that supply sensation to the two neighboring toes. If the problem is severe, surgery for removal  of the nerve is the solution which needs  you to wear a bandage for about 2 weeks afterwards.

Tibialis posterior dysfunction – Tibialis posterior, the muscle supporting the shape of the human’s instep arch and the tendon gets inflamed that results in swelling and pain on the inside of the ankle. This generally results in a flatfooted appearance. If the condition is worse, the only resort  is surgery for rebuilding the instep arch. The operation takes around 2 hours and takes around 8-12 weeks to get healed.

Plantar fasciitis – Plantar fascia is a group of strong fibrous tissue that spreads across the sole of the foot to the toes. This condition causes inflammation in the very area where fascia is attached under the heel. Some bad cases require surgery for  releasing the tissues from the heel bone. The surgery needs takes around an hour and one is needed to wear a bandage after the surgery.

Benefits of Foot and Ankle surgery

There are various benefits of foot and ankle surgery. Some are mentioned below:

  • Relief from pain
  • Restoration of joint function in patients
  • Getting rid of osteoarthritis, traumatic arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis
  • Ability to maintain movement in the joints
  • A more normal walking gait pattern
  • Protection of the  surrounding joints
  • A range of movement of ankle and foot

Cost of Foot and Ankle Surgery in India

The costs  of any kind of surgery in the western countries like the USA and the UK is quite high. In comparison to this, the cost of foot and ankle surgery in India is quite pocket-friendly. The best part is that a patient can enjoy such affordable treatments from internationally trained doctors and surgeons who get the assistance of dedicated and professional staff/personnel. The technology used in top-most hospitals offering excellent personalized services is also the latest in the field.

FAQs of Foot & Ankle Surgery

Ques: What is Foot & Ankle Surgery?

Ans: Foot and Ankle are very multifaceted parts of the human body that comprises ligaments, tendons, nerves, muscles, and bones which form 33 joints. It is an orthopedic sub-specialty that treats pains and discomfort that occurs in both foot and ankle.

Ques: Why should I choose to undergo Foot & Ankle Surgery?

Ans: There are many reasons to undergo this surgery like – Bunions, Hammer Toes, Foot Deformities, fractures in Ligament, Diabetic foot disorders, and other problems in Ankle and Leg.

Ques: What investigations doctor will prescribe me before the surgery?

Ans:The first and foremost requirement is physical consultation with the doctor. After physical consultation, you need to undergo a few routine blood tests, x rays, CT scans, and in some cases MRI as well.

Ques: Which surgeon will treat me during Foot & Ankle Surgery?

Ans: Generally, Orthopedic surgeons and Podiatrists treat the same conditions patients but they both are trained differently. A podiatrist is a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine who is specialized in treating foot and ankle disorders. Whereas, an orthopedic surgeon is a medical doctor who is trained to treat a complete musculoskeletal system.

Ques: Do I need to undergo surgery to repair my foot or ankle problem?

Ans: It depends on the condition and pain of the foot or ankle. Doctors recommend non – surgical methods like medications and exercises for bones, joints, tendon, and ligament damages. If non-surgical methods will not work, then the doctor recommends surgery. After the surgery, patients have to be very careful about their weight (weight should not be increased after surgery) and they have to walk with the walking cast for about 1 to 2 months.

Ques: Will I be having too much pain after foot or ankle surgery?

Ans:Yes, pain is very common in any type of surgery. However, it depends on each patient how much pain they can tolerate. After the surgery, you will be on pain medications which will help in reducing the pain. The most important thing is that you have to take prescribed medicines on time.

Ques: When will be the first follow up after the surgery?

Ans: The first follow up will be scheduled after the 2 weeks from the day you will be discharged from the hospital.

Ques: What should I do if my bandages become blood-stained or tight?

Ans: If you experience this issue you should consult with your doctor immediately, he will guide you accordingly.

Ques: Why does foot and ankle surgery take so long to heal?

Ans: As you know, our foot is the one which abides the weight of our body and after the surgery also the foot and ankle have to handle the bodyweight without any damage or pain. Due to this reason, it takes a long time to heal.

Ques: What are the major complications in foot and ankle surgery?

Ans: There is no surgical procedure that does not have complications. However, these complications will not affect too much in your recovery. The major complications are pain, swelling, numbness, and infections. With medications, these complications can easily be overcome.

Ques: For how many days I need to stay in hospital after the surgery?

Ans: You need to stay in the hospital for 2 to 3 days and it also depends on your procedure. Your doctor will discharge you once you will be comfortable and your pain will be reduced.

However, in the few patients’ cases, the doctor allows them to go home on the very next day of surgery..

Ques: Do I need to go to the hospital for stitches removal after the surgery?

Ans: In the surgery, the dissolvable stitches used. So you need not go to the hospital especially for stitches removal. During your follow up doctor will evaluate your wound and stitches both.

Ques: When can I have a shower after surgery?

Ans: You can take a shower after 3 days of your surgery but cover your foot with a special plastic bag or waterproof cover to protect the operated area of your foot. Make sure your dressing will not get wet. Generally, after 6 weeks of the surgery, you can take a proper shower. Kindly discuss this with your doctor as well.

Ques: Can I drive after the surgery?

Ans: Yes you can drive after 8 weeks of your surgery. You should be comfortable enough to drive and before start driving after the surgery you should consult with your doctor.

Ques: How long will it take to join the work after the surgery?

Ans: It depends on your job profile, if you are having a desk job then you can go back to your work after one week of the surgery. Otherwise, the doctor will recommend you to take rest for at least 3 weeks before joining the work.

Ques: Which anesthesia will be used in my surgery?

Ans: It is based on the length of your procedure, any type of anesthesia can be used like general anesthesia, local anesthesia, or Spinal anesthesia. This can be discussed with you before your surgery.

Ques: What is a tourniquet?

Ans: A tourniquet is a kind of cuff that is placed around your thigh or ankle to limit the blood flow in your leg. It is safe for more than two hours and if the operation time is longer than it can be easily deflated and reinflated.

Ques: Which type of shoes should I wear after the surgery?

Ans: Doctor will provide you special surgical shoes immediately after your surgery. These shoes will protect your dressing and command on your walking to protect the foot. You need to wear the same during day and night both. Once you will be allowed to remove your surgical shoes, then it is best to wear open toes sports sandals with Velcro Adjustments.

Ques: What foot complications do I have as a diabetic patient?

Ans: Diabetes is a serious problem that raises the risk/complication of infections in your feet. Kindly keep your doctor posted for the same in advance and follow his instructions which he gave to maintain your diabetes under control.

Ques: When can I start daily activities after the surgery?

Ans: Doctors recommend to start sports activities and exercises after 6 months. However, light activities can be started after 2 or 3 weeks.

Ques: What is the approximate cost for foot and ankle surgery and how I can get an appointment?

Ans: To know about the foot and ankle surgery cost and appointment, kindly contact on the below details:
E mail:
Mobile/Whats app: +91 9717766080

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