Artemis Gurgaon Platinum Health Checkup Package

PLATINUM HEALTH Check UP PACKAGE (MALE) Starting from USD 786 Per person PLATINUM HEALTH CHECK UP PACKAGE (FEMALE) Starting from USD 870 Per person
Physician  Consultation (Pre & Post) Physician  Consultation (Pre & Post)
Surgeon’s Consultation Gynae Consultation with Pap Smear
Ophthalmology (Eye Screening) Ophthalmology (Eye Screening)
Dentist’s Consultation Dentist’s Consultation
Full Blood Count with ESR & Peripheral Smear Full Blood Count with ESR & Peripheral Smear
Blood Group & Rh Type Blood Group & Rh Type
Blood Sugar Fasting & PP Blood Sugar Fasting & PP
Serum TSH (Thyroid Blood Test) Serum TSH (Thyroid Blood Test)
Complete Liver Function Test Complete Liver Function Test
Serum Sodium Serum Sodium
Serum Potassium Serum Potassium
Blood Urea Blood Urea
Serum Creatinine Serum Creatinine
Serum Uric Acid Serum Uric Acid
Serum Calcium Serum Calcium
Serum Phosphorous Serum Phosphorous
Serum PSA (Serum Screening Blood Test for Prostrate Cancer) Serum PSA (Serum Screening Blood Test for Prostrate Cancer)
Lipid Profile Lipid Profile
Urine Routine Urine Routine
Stool for Occult Blood Stool for Occult Blood
Stool Routine Stool Routine
S. Vit B 12 levels S. Vit B 12 levels
S. Folic acid levels S. Folic acid levels
S. Vit D 25 Hydroxy levels S. Vit D 25 Hydroxy levels
S.HIV Elisa 1 and 2 S.HIV Elisa 1 and 2
S. HBsAg S. HBsAg
S. Antibodies to HCV S. Antibodies to HCV
Chest X-ray  (PA view) Chest X-ray  (PA view)
Ultrasound Whole Abdomen Ultrasound Whole Abdomen with TVS
ECG Mammography – Both breasts
Pulmonary Function Test Bone Densitometry
Transthoracic Echocardiography ECG
Colonoscopy Pulmonary Function Test
MRI Screening Brain with Angio Transthoracic Echocardiography
MRI Screening Spine Colonoscopy
Stress Thallium – MPI MRI Screening Brain with Angio
MRI Screening Spine
Stress Thallium – MPI

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