The Worst Shoes for Your Feet

Offender: Extremely High Heels

The trend of high heels going higher is being seen today. Experts call it Shoe-icide and suggest that very high heels are a cause of a number of problems, starting from a minor sprain in the ankle and going to the bigger problems like chronic pain.

Complication: Pump Heel Trouble

Whether your pumps are medium high or are sky, this style of heel is ill-famed for leading to aching knot in the back of the heel. The hard material of the hill presses against the soft bones, leading to a deformity in women, named ‘pump bump’. Because of this pressing, there are other problems also such as bursitis, blisters, pain in Achilles tendon as well as swelling. It is advisable that one should wear better shoes along with using heel pads, ice and orthotics to get relief from pain. If not taken care of the protrusion in the bone can become permanent.

Complication: Abnormal Position of the Foot

When one wears extremely high heels, the feet is forced to get into a position that is not normal. Unnecessary stress is levied on the foot’s ball. This is an important joint where pea-shaped sesamoid bones meet the elongated metatarsal bones as well as the phalanges (toe bones). Extreme pressure causes inflammation in the nerves and the bones, enveloping them. Continuous stress on the bones of the foot can even lead to hairline fractures.

Answer: Going Low is the Key

If you wish to get away from any further problems in metatarsal bones, it is best to switch to lower heels. The lower your heel is, your foot will be in more natural position. Podiatrists suggest that wearing a heel that is not more than 2 inches high is the best, and that too in moderation.

Complication: Sprains in Ankle

Females wearing high heels are at a higher risk of ankle sprains, mainly a lateral sprain. This sprain occurs when one rolls towards the outside of the foot. Due to this the ligaments of the ankle get stretched more than their normal length. If the is serious, the ligaments get torn. The sprained ankle then needs rest and might require proper physical therapy as well. If the fracture or sprain in the ankle is serious, there is risk of development of osteoarthritis.

Offender: Stiletto Shoes

It is known as high heels can lead to foot troubles, but extremely narrow heels or stilettoes are all the more risky and harmful. This happens as the weight of the body is put on just one area and that may lead to wobbling while walking and you may sprain your ankle or simply fall.

Answer: A Chunky Heel

Chunky- style heels (block heels) have more surface area and thus the weight of the body is distributed in a proper manner. These heels are quite comfortable in comparison to spindle heels or stilettoes. Though these block high heels put stress on the foot’s ball but the chances of falling down becomes almost null.

Offender: Ballet Flats

Experts compare ballet flats with walking on a hard cardboard as the feet’s arch does not gets any kind of support. The feet does not work to their fullest, leading to problems in back, hips and knees. Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition of the foot that comes when the arch support is poor.

Answer: Orthotic Additions

There is a solution for you if you really like ballet flats. Use orthotic inserts that are easily available, in order to avoid foot pain. Aching heels can get additional cushioning with heel pads. Custom made orthotics are also available, catering to a number of foot pains. Experts recommend that by using inserts, one gives arch support, dropping unnecessary pressure on delicate areas.

Offender: Flip-Flops

Risk of foot injuries like splinters is quite high in the case of flip-flops as the feet are exposed too much and do not have required protection. These kind of footwear can even lead to scrapes and cuts, and thus people who have diabetes must avoid wearing flip-flops. Even the arch support is absent. The complication are same as in the case of ballet flats.

Complication: Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fascia is a group of tissues that are placed along the foot’s bottom. This tissue pulls upon the heel while walking. It functions properly when there is proper arch in the foot. When one walks in ill-fitting shoes sans proper arch support or walks barefoot, it can cause tear, inflammation and overstretching of this tissue. This can lead to severe pain in the heel and rest only offers temporary help.

Better Option: Properly Fitted Flops

Well-fitted, sporty looking sandals and similar kinds of toning shoes are ideal for some serious workout while one is walking. Shoes with thick sole keep away one’s foot off the ground and also away from debris. There is better arch support too.

Offender: Platform Shoes

Wedge heels and platform shoes have hard foot beds, disturbing the biomechanics of walking. When one is walking, the feet bend in a certain way but as the shoe’s bed is hard, there is a problem. If the platform’s heel is quite high in comparison to the top space, pressure is applied on the metatarsal bones.

Better Option: Flatter Platforms

Though platforms are not suggested but if you really like wearing platform, try flatter ones so that the stress on the foot is less. You can opt for wider platforms or wedge hells that look parallel to the ground. Though the pressure on the foot’s ball is lesser but the problem of hard sole remains the same.

Offender: Pointy Toes

There is no doubt that footwear with pointed toes look extremely chic but the main problem is that they squeeze the toes tightly together. This can result problems like hammertoes, nerve pain, blisters and bunions. In some cases, bruises appear under the toenails.

Complication: Bunions

Bunion is actually an aching lump right at the base of the big toe in the feet that sometimes lead to the unnatural bend. This condition arises when the bone or tissue at the base joint gets displaced. Bunion appears after many years of movement and pressure that is not normal. Pointed shoes are a big mischief.

Complication: Toe Deformities

When a woman wears high heel shoes, excess body weight is put in the line of toes and are squeezed together tightly. As the time passes, the condition of hammertoe with unusual bends in the toe joints can arise and slowly become even more severe. In some cases, surgery is the only solution. Shoe friction and crowding can lead to aching corns and calluses as well as other toe deformities.

Answer: Roomy Toe Box

Risks to the toes can be avoided by opting for shoes with wide toe box. In case, you do not like the shape of such shoes, you can opt for shoes that slant up to a certain point far from the toes’ edge. This style can keep the sides and the tips of your toes safe. Shoes with soft materials are suggested and avoiding hard leather is better.

Offender: Celebrity Trends

American pop singer Lady Gaga is extremely popular for her peculiar style statement. However, a common person really needs to think hard before stepping into the kind of shoes she likes. One of such examples is Gaga’s 12-inch shoes that she was wearing in the video of her song ‘Bad Romance’. Wearing such kinds of shoes is extremely harmful and can lead to damage in nerves and bones.

Answer: Performance Pump Shoes

Most of the women cannot let go their style because of comfort, but it is not always necessary to do so. Performance pump shoes come in as a blessing that combine style and health. Such shoes are mainly designed with athletic shoe construction, more space for the toes and safe heels.

Offender: Wrong Size / Ill-Fitting Shoes

If studies are to be believed 9 out of 10 females wear shows that are too small for them, causing bunions, blisters, corns, calluses, and similar other complications. The endless rubbing can cause irritation in the joints that may also cause arthritis. According to a research many kids are wear wrong-size shoes leading to deformities.

Answer: Measure Your Feet

While standing, you can get the width and length of your feet measures by a professional before you are buying a new shoe. People with high arches and flat feet can consult a podiatrist. Proper footwear with correct size and proper fitting can help you in avoiding weathering away of the foot joints.

Shoe Trends in Men

Initially footwear with pointy toes were only for women but now it is not so. However, pointy-toe shoes are equally harmful for men as it is for women and can cause pain, bunions and hammertoes. Be at the office or a party, try to go for comfortable shoes.

Fitness Trends: Unfussy Shoe

Minimalist or unfussy shoes are slowly emerging in the shoe scene. Such shoes try to copy the mechanics of walking barefoot but experts are least overwhelmed as in such footwear are sans shock absorption or support for the arch and the heel. Shoes that separate toes from fingers are also harmful for walking correctly.

Fitness Trends: Rocker Bottom Shoes

Rocker bottoms have soles that thicker that the normal ones, offering better push-off movement of the feet. This also helps in relief from joint paints as well as minor foot abnormalities. Conversely, such shoes must be avoided by people with medical condition and old-age people as they have an effect on the strength of the muscles and balancing.

Tips for Better Shoes

Experts offer the following tips:

  • Go for shoes that offer ample arch support
  • Go for shows that are not too flexible but have proper bends in the toe box.
  • If you really cannot live without heels, go for heels that are not more than 2 inches.

Read more about Foot and Ankle surgery in India

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