10 Tips for Staying Healthy in Summer

The warmer, longer days of the year have started. Summer has arrived. The temperatures are rising, the sun shines bright, and it is a good time to regain your health. Though the tough weather affects the body, adhering to some tips you can give miss to any health issue of the warm weather.

Here are 10 tips for staying healthy in summer:

1. Stay cool and hydrated

In summer it is important to drink water and be hydrated at all times. Drink at least two to four cups (16-32 ounces) upon waking up in the morning, and similar amounts if you are going out for activities and exercise. Carry water with you in a hard plastic container

2. Prevent overexposure from the sun

While enjoying the sun and outdoors, protect yourself from overexposure. The sunlight is quite strong and hurtful so wear a hat and using natural sunscreens without excessive chemicals. Carry Aloe Vera gel for overexposure. It is a better option to have an aloe plant growing in your home for the natural treatment to any kind of burn. The cooling and healing gel soothes any sunburn.

3. Keep up or begin an exercise program

The summer season makes many get a little lazy and lethargic. The sure shot way to build immunity and not get expose to common ailments is regular exercise. Any aerobic activity is important for keeping the heart strong and healthy. Summer is a good time to give the gym or the health club a miss and take some time to do outdoor refreshing activities. Hiking, biking, swimming, or tennis are some amazingly simple things to indulge in. The hormones released during these kind of activities will help keep your body and mind united.

4. Enjoy Nature’s bounty

The summer produces numerous fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables. Consuming cooling and light food is a good way to stay healthy in the warm weather. Consume fresh fruits, vegetable juices, salads, and lots of water. The juicy food will nourish your body for summertime activities. Also include some light and nourishing protein. Berries, watermelon, nuts, seeds, sprouted beans, soy products, yogurt, cottage cheese, fish and poultry are some delicious food to be tried.

5. Enjoy the warm weather

The summer season is a special time for family. Kids are on a break from school. Take out time to enjoy with your family, kids, and friends who share the enjoyment of outdoors. Plan a fun trip if possible. Hike in the wild, camp, playing at the river, or a few days resting at the ocean. Rekindling connection with nature has long-term benefits.

6. Do not skip on breakfast

Never miss breakfast in summer. Without proper nutrition first thing in the morning, your body basically feels shriveled in the summer sun, potentially leading to heat overexposure, dehydration, or fainting. Eat a breakfast high in protein, like eggs, with a side of fruit or whole grains. Plus, a healthy breakfast first thing in the morning will jump-start your metabolism.

7. Sun teas are wonderful

Use flowers and leaves or tea bags in a clear half- or one-gallon glass jar filled with water. Hibiscus, peppermint, chamomile, or lemon grass are all good choices, or use your local herbs which are safe, flavorful, and even medicinal. Leave in the sun for two hours or up to a whole day. Moon teas can also be made to enhance your lunar, dreamy side by letting your herbs steep in the cooling, mystical moonlight. Add a little orange or lemon peel, or a sprig of rosemary and a few jasmine flowers. It is pure health in a drink.

8. Use SPF Daily

Summer brings sunburns. It is not only painful but the start of many serious skin problems. Applying sunscreen is important. Not only does sunscreen help prevent skin cancer, but it has also been proven to help slow down your skin’s aging process. Severe sun burns (also known as sun poisoning) can also lead to extreme dehydration which could require a stay in the hospital. A sunscreen with a lower SPF can be just as effective as one with a higher SPF. However, people with a fairer complexion should use a higher SPF, due to less melanin in their skin.

9. Protect yourself from mosquitoes, bugs and other rashes common in summer

Summers are largely spent outdoors. It is common to be bitten by mosquitoes and bugs who swarm in the natural surroundings. Protect yourself from itchy scratches and bites. Some itchy shrubs should also be avoided. Avoid touching or smelling any unknown plant out in the nature.

10. Avoid over-intoxication

In the fun days of summer you often get carried away in the excitement. Avoid over–intoxication. Go easy on the alcoholic beverages if you are going to be in the sun for a few hours. When you drink alcohol in the sun, it dehydrates you extra, causing you to perspire and urinate more. It is important that you drink water between alcoholic beverages or just have alcohol in very less amounts.

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