Skin Problems during Pregnancy

Stretch Marks

With the growing of the baby bump, some purplish-red stripes appear on your arms, belly, bottom, breasts and thighs. As hormonal changes take place in the body and as the skin stretches, stretch marks appear. Generally around 90 percent of women get them by the time they are in their third trimester but the chances of you getting these are higher if other females in your family had them. Applying skin creams can only bring relief from itching and not from stretch marks. This is not really a thing to ponder over as most of the time such marks turn light and fade away.


Sometimes women with clear skin also find themselves taking care of occasional acne breakouts during your pregnancy. These acne troubles can appear due to pregnancy hormones. You must wash your face regularly and do not pick the pimple as this leads to scars on the face. There are several creams and face washes available at the chemist shop, you can buy them. However, certain creams and face washes are not safe when you are expecting so you can talk to your doctor first.


Also known as Chloasma or Mask of Pregnancy, Melasma is that condition when brown patches appear on the nose, cheeks and forehead of the pregnant lady. This happens with around 70 percent of expecting mothers. As going out in the sun can worsen the condition so while going out of the house, wear hat or sunscreen. Though these patches generally fade away after delivery but sometimes, they stay.


Spots like scars and freckles can appear on your body and the skin around the nipples gets bigger and darker. A downward line might also appear in the center of one’s belly, called the linea nigra. The chance of the appearance of this line is more if you have a darker skin color. Try to avoid sun. Consult your doctor about spots that are looking new or if they are changing their shape.

Skin Tags

Though the reasons are not clear but when one is expecting, the chances of getting tiny flesh-colored growths increase. These skin tags appear mainly in the skin folds like groin area, neck and armpits. As they cause no harm, they do not really require any treatment. But, if you want them removed, consult the doctor and do not try to remove them on your own.

PUPPP (Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy)

When small red, itchy bumps appear on your belly that condition is called PUPPP. This condition can get aggravated when these bumps continue to your buttocks, breasts and thighs in large patches. This condition is common in first pregnancy or when one is expecting multiple babies. However, the reason behind this is still unknown. There is no sure shot treatment, one can make use of antihistamines or steroid, creams or gels in order to get relief from itching. These bumps go away after delivery.


During their first pregnancy, a number of women experience red, itchy, crusty patches on their skin. If one is already suffering from eczema, the condition can only worsen during the 9 months’ time. The best manner in which you can keep them away is by avoiding those things that you know can trigger eczema, such as certain soaps, pet dander, certain foods and stress. Before taking any kind of steroids, it is better to consult your doctor.


Psoriasis is not a skin problem that happens during pregnancy but if you have already been suffering from it, these red scaly patches can only get worse. However, it is exactly the opposite in the case of some ladies as their condition gets better when they are expecting. You must make sure that the treatment which you are taking for it, is safe for you and your baby.

Varicose and Spider Veins

The level of blood and estrogen in the body of a pregnant lady is more than usual, which affects the veins. Small patches, called spider vein, sometimes start showing up on her neck, arms and face. Nevertheless, these patches are harmless and go away after you deliver your baby. The other condition is varicose veins and it is the painful one. As there is added pressure in your uterus, the veins in the lower half experience swelling. Some of the ways to deal with this condition is propping the legs up, taking walks and wearing tight compression stockings to treat them.

Taking Care of the Skin

The easiest and the best thing to do for a healthy skin during pregnancy is to be as basic as possible. Apply sunscreen daily when you are out in sun. Drink plenty of water. If you skin is appearing stretched and dry and you have an itchy feeling, apply soothing lotion. In case, you notice some serious changes in your skin, consult your doctor.

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