15 Tooth Problems & How to Fix Them

We have all suffered from the agony of tooth aches one time or the other. It comes unannounced, and when it does, causes excruciating pain. We all are aware of those days where we are crippled by the onset of a terrible tooth ache. Its then that we decide to visit the dentist!

However, to spare ourselves this pain, it’s important to take care of our tooth problems at an early stage and fix them during that period. By practicing good oral hygienic, we can maintain healthy teeth and gums. Regardless of the kind of tooth problem you are affected with, whether its bad breath or dry mouth, canker or tooth decay, proper diagnoses and regular care is the key to overcoming all problems. Through this blog, we show you 15 tooth problems and how to fix them.

1. Toothache

Securing an appointment with the dentist is far difficult than it sounds! However, until that happens, there are a few steps you can undertake to ease the pain. One of them is rinsing your mouth with warm water and flossing in order to remove any food particles caught between your teeth. Take an over the counter pain reliever. However, in case you experience swelling or pus around the tooth, or if you are down with a fever, then you could be having an abscess. This kind of situation may require an urgent visit to the doctor. You may need antibiotics and possibly, a root canal.

2. Stained teeth

Of course, stained teeth are an irritant in an otherwise pleasing appearance. However, those irritating stains can be removed by following a few steps. Some of the factors behind the discoloring of the teeth are food, tobacco, medications and trauma. To whiten them, you can visit the dentist who will eliminate the stains with a whitening agent or a special light. You also have the option of bleaching them at home with a plastic tray and gel, both of which are available at a dentist or a store.

3. Cavities

Of all the tooth problems, cavities are perhaps the most painful, and if left untreated, could lead to more serious problems in the future. Cavities occur due to the buildup of a tiny bacteria called plaque on your teeth. This gradually destroys the hard outer shell called the enamel. Adults too, can be afflicted with tooth decay at the gum line and around the edges of inner fillings. You can avoid cavities by brushing your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, curtail the intake of snacks, floss daily, rinse with a fluoride mouthwash and pay regular visits to the dentist.

4. Chipped tooth

A chipped tooth is believed to be the foremost type of dental injury. Any kind of accident can cause a chipped tooth. If the chip is too large, the dentist may recommend a crown. He may also suggest bonding with a strong resin material to replace the chipped area. In case the pulp is at risk, you may need a root canal followed by a veneer or a crown.

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5. Impacted tooth

An impacted tooth occurs when an adult tooth doesn’t grow in a proper way or shape. It usually occurs when a tooth is stuck against another tooth, bone or soft tissue. If it doesn’t cause any kind of discomfort to you, the dentist would recommend you to leave it the way it is. Later on, if it hurts or causes any kind of problem, an oral surgeon can remove it.

6. Cracked tooth

A cracked tooth may occur anytime and anywhere, and often under circumstances beyond your control. Do you need to visit a dentist? It depends. The majority of dentists recommend a crown for cracked teeth to prevent it from worsening. If the teeth is sensitive to hot or cold, the problem may be deeper than what you think. Try chewing on the other side until you visit your dentist. A root canal or a crown may be needed if the crack is above the gum line. A deeper crack may require the tooth to be pulled. Fillings though, can increase the chances of a crack.

7. Sensitive to Cold

Are your teeth too sensitive to hot or cold? The reasons for this could range from cavities and tooth enamels or fillings to fractured teeth and exposed roots. After your dentist has identified the problem, you may need a filling, root canal or treatment of your gums to replace the tissue lost at the root. In some cases, you may simply require a desensitizing toothpaste or strip, or a fluoride gel.

8. Too Many Teeth: Hyperdontia

Some people are born with extra teeth in their mouth. It’s a rare symptom called hyperdontia. Usually, people who are affected with this kind of condition are also affected with another kind of condition called Gardner’s Syndrome or cleft palate. The treatment is to get the extra teeth removed and use orthodontics to correct the bite.

9. Crooked Teeth

Born with crooked teeth? No problem! Fixing cooked teeth is the way to go, and not just for cosmetic reasons, as is popularly believed, but also because it helps to improve overall dental health and relieve symptoms like jaw pain. To fix the crooked teeth, orthodontists may use braces (metal or trays), aligners and retainers.

10. Gap between Teeth

Gap between teeth is hardly a problem in the dental sense of the term. Some of the well-known celebrities and eminent personalities sport this look, and are quite comfortable with it. However, should you feel the need to get it corrected, your options would include orthodontics to bring the teeth close together along with cosmetic solutions like veneers or bonding.

11. Gum Problems

Are you suffering from bleeding gums, soft gums, or gums that pull away from the teeth? These may all be signs of the onset of gum disease (gingivitis), or a more advanced stage of it (periodontitis). Some of the causes behind it may be the buildup of plague or a sticky bacteria below the gum line. If left untreated, periodontitis can cause bone loss, causing the teeth to shift and even become loose, making it quit difficult to chew or speak. Some of the ways of avoiding his gum disease are brushing, flossing and rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash regularly. You might also want to visit your dentist to get your teeth cleaned regularly.

12. Clenching or grinding your teeth

Do you often find yourself grinding your teeth? If you do, then that’s a condition called bruxism. One of the causes of that is stress. The other reasons may be misaligned teeth or sleep problems. In any case, bruxism can cause you headaches, sore jaw, crack or loose teeth. If you grind your teeth while sleeping, ask your dentist for a mouth guard. If you find yourself clenching your teeth during the daytime, try meditation or other stress relieving exercises.

[You may also check Natural Home Remedies for a Toothache]

13. Wisdom Teeth problems

One of the most common tooth problems suffered by the people is the appearance of wisdom teeth. Majority of the people possess a wisdom teeth that was impacted or was not fully able to grow in. Wisdom teeth is known to cause problems like cavities, damage to neighboring teeth and gum disease. These general make their appearance between the ages of 17 and 25. If they cause any kind of problem, you may need to get them removed by the dentist.

14. No Room to Floss

Regardless of how tight your teeth may be placed, there should always be room for flossing between your teeth. If that is not the case, it would be better to switch to a thinner floss or a waxed one. Trying different kind of tools like looped flosser or a dental pick also helps.

15. Do Grills cause Problems?

Decorating your teeth with objects which are foreign in your mouth is bound to cause them damage. A grill which is not made from gold or silver could irritate your mouth. Always remember to remove a grill before eating while remembering to keep the grill and your teeth clean.

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