Procedure and Benefits of Dental Implant

What is Dental Implant?

Dental implant is a synthetic tooth root, made of titanium, used by a periodontist to support replacement tooth or jaw.  They provide a solid foundation for the installation of permanent teeth designed to look just like real teeth. Implants are embedded in the root of the missing tooth and later on merged into the actual bone.

Procedure of Dental Implant

First of all, dentist will inject local anesthesia into the required area. He then makes an incision on gum that creates a flap and exposes the jaw bone. The procedure began with insertion of a metal screw into the jaw bone. Since the screw is placed into jaw bone, therefore it is not visible. Following that an abutment is screwed over it using dental motor. Once the dental implants are placed in the root, the gums are sutured. This marks the end of implant procedure which is followed by recuperation period. The recuperation process can take 2 to 6 months.

Advantages of Dental Implant

  • They give a feel of original teeth. Since the implants are embedded into the structure of your bone, they help in preventing bone loss and gum recession that acts as bridgework and dentures.
  • Unlike tooth supported bridge, the adjacent teeth are not altered because the implants do not require support. Therefore long term oral health is ensured.
  • Chewing difficulties gets eliminated with the use of dental implants. One can savor his/her favorite food without any pain.
  • Unlike dentures that are fitted with the help of pastes and glues and cause difficulties in speaking, implants do not cause speech problems.
  • Most of the people who have undergone the procedure of dental implant say that they have regained their self esteem and self confidence as a result of improved appearance and comfort.

If statistics of dental tourism in India are anything to be believed, then dental implant is the procedure for which most overseas tourists frequent India.

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